Saturday, December 1, 2007

Overcoming the social stereotypes attached to the disabled

While I was browsing through local news papers, this article caught my attention. It's about people who are not fortunate enough to have gifted with a normal life like me or possibly you, yet they strive to create a better world not only for them but also for others suffering from poverty or disabilities.

It was about Sri kanth, born with dwarfism (a condition that hiders normal mobility and dexterity), who has overcome all odds to be successful in the IT industry.

Some links: : Sri Kanth and his siblings (who were also born with the same condition) started the Koslanda nanasala : The group they created for hill-country differently-abled people (The heading of the web site caught my eyes: Some need to succeed in order to belong...some need to belong in order to succeed) : Sri Kanth initiated and leads the Uva Province Telecentre Family : Sri Kanth's latest venture.

It's time we realize the disabled are differently-abled people!

(Locations and some words used here are related to Sri Lanka - my sweet home)

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